domingo, abril 18, 2010


Nunca agradecerei o suficiente o olho certeiro do blogue A Natureza do Mal para imagens como esta. O texto também vale a a pena. Ide até lá ler.

quinta-feira, abril 15, 2010

Babel - muitas línguas para re-acordar a curiosidade

Dedicado a quem é francófilo

“...Les hommes parlaient tous la même langue.
En ce temps-là, comme aujourd’hui, ils ne faisaient que se plaindre du temps;
les femmes de leur mari, les époux de leur femme, gémir sur leur santé et l’approche de la mort.
Cette litanie était devenue si monotone que personne n’écoutait plus personne.
Sachant d’avance, à quelque mots près ce que l’autre allait dire, on ne lui prêtait plus la moindre attention.
C’est donc pour échapper à l’indifférence et à l’ennui que nous nous serions lancés dans cette construction inepte. (...) la tour se serait édifiée dans un silence de mort. Dieu qui contemplait ce gâchis avec un sourire navré aurait alors, dans son infinie miséricorde, créé toutes ces langues, dialectes ou patois différents pour réveiller une curiosité qui s’était éteinte.”

Nicolas Bouvier, L’échappée belle, Eloge de quelques pérégrins@ Edition Metropolis, 1996

domingo, abril 11, 2010

Reading & School = Leitura & Escola

Reading is taught as if it’s a transferable skill. It’s assumed that once children learn how to convert printed symbols into sounds and words, or “decode,” they can be taught to read anything by practicing strategies such as “find the main idea” and “question the author.”

But cognitive science has shown that comprehension is “domain specific.” If you can comprehend this op-ed, it doesn’t mean you can also comprehend Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Several studies show that “poor” readers suddenly look quite strong when reading on subjects they know a lot about, and “strong” readers who have weak subject knowledge, suddenly look quite weak. Despite this finding, students are boringly and time-wastingly taught to practice formal strategies on trivial fictions as though these strategies will somehow replace the subject-matter knowledge needed to become broadly literate.

Transforming the elementary school “literacy block” into a rich, meaningful and sustained engagement with subject matter would be the single greatest transformation of instructional time in decades. If there is one Big Idea that can help arrest the decline of reading achievement in American schools, this is the one.

Ler mais aqui - More here

sábado, abril 10, 2010

Conclusões do 10º Congresso BAD

Conclusões do 10º Congresso BAD
Pessoal BAD congressante, mesmo aqueles que não puderam estar na emocionante sessão de encerramento. Temos até segunda-feira (12/04) - comentem e sugiram alterações ao texto das conclusões do 10º Congresso. Democracia, sempre!
Vivam as bibliotecas vivas.

Ladrões de Bicicletas: A tirania do mérito

Ladrões de Bicicletas: A tirania do mérito : « Quem alcançou o topo, passou a acreditar que o sucesso foi um feito seu, uma medida do seu ...