terça-feira, julho 16, 2019

Leitura e inclusão - Tratado de Marraquexe, e mais

Resultado de imagem para rnofa

3 de Julho de 2018
Notícia portuguesa - BN de Portugal oferece plataforma com livros acessíveis

1 de Outubro de 2017
A EBLIDA  publica um Guia para Aplicação do Tratado de Marraquexe (2013), que compromete bibliotecas (e não só) de todo o mundo sobre a Propriedade Intelectual no "facilitar, através de excepções à lei da propriedade intelectual, o acesso de pessoas com diferentes tipos de deficiência visual a obras publicadas, foi aprovado pela União Europeia em abril de 2014 (JO L 115 de 17.4.2014)". Está em vigor desde 30 de setembro de 2016.

"By requiring countries which ratify the Treaty to have exceptions in domestic copyright law for the benefit of people with print disabilities. 
This means that countries which ratify the Treaty must ensure their laws allow people who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled, libraries and other organisations to make accessible format copies without having to ask permission from the copyright holder (usually the author or publisher), and to distribute the accessible copies domestically. 
By making it legal to send and receive accessible versions of books and other printed works from one country to another. This means that the sending of accessible format works across national bordersis permitted, helping to avoid costly duplication effortsin different countries by multiple institutions (that are often publicly funded or have charitable status). 

It will allow institutions with larger collections of accessible books to share these collections with relevant people in countries with fewer resources, and to better serve people with print disabilities in every country by providing reading material in any language that is needed [http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/treaties/text.jsp?file_id=301016#_ftn6 7]

The Treaty creates the concept of ‘authorised entities’ – institutions or organisations which, alongside beneficiaries and individuals acting on their behalf, can make use of the Treaty’s provisions. 
“Authorized entities” are central to the architecture of the Treaty, and libraries are central to the concept of “authorized entities”. As defined, the term “authorized entity” encompasses most libraries. Libraries, and other “authorized entities”, are allowed to undertake the domestic production and distribution of accessible materials. Importantly, the Treaty requires that “authorized entities” be permitted to send accessible format copies to other countries."

Texto do Guia, em inglês:


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