sexta-feira, dezembro 08, 2017

Depois de amanhã, gente e trabalho

Freelancing in America

Freelancing in America
Freelancing in America (USA)
Image: Freelancers Union and Upwork

Futuro do Trabalho, e de quem trabalhar . Quatro previsões (World Economic Forum, 2017):

(1) Inteligência artificial não vai reduzir trabalho, mas sim exigir novas competências
(2) Cidades vão competir entre si pela posse dos maiores talentos. 
(3) “Freelancing” vai aumentar. 
(4) Educação vai quebrar os silos que a limitam.

1. AI and robotics will create more jobs, not mass unemployment  as long as we responsibly guide innovation
(...) In 2018, we must finally realize that it’s no longer a matter of human versus machine, but rather human and machine working in tandem to solve the world’s problems. It is humans who ultimately decide the next course of action.(...)
2. Cities will compete against other cities in the war for top talent
(...) The talent war of the future will no longer be between companies, it will be between cities. As technology untethers society, and remote work becomes the norm, people will live in the cities of their choosing, rather than the ones that are nearest to where they workThe cities of their choosing will have a certain “vibe” by offering attractive living options in tech-friendly environments.(...)
3. The majority of the US workforce will freelance by 2027
(...) The youngest workforce generation is leading the way, with almost half of millennials freelancing already. (...)
4. Education breaks out of the silo
Our education system is broken. The way we educate future generations no longer prepares them adequately for the skills and jobs of today. The idea that you study math and science and art in your youth as separate disciplines, and then work to solve real world problems in today’s economy, does not add up. Preparing students for tomorrow’s jobs requires breaking down the silos within education.

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