sexta-feira, dezembro 10, 2010

The important hug

Ponto de vista de um professor que conta com a biblioteca escolar que faz a diferença.

I am not writing this post as the foremost expert on library science and information literacy, rather, someone who wants to provoke a conversation. The library will always be relevant, but the ways in which we access and use the library will change as we continually evolve our practice. There are many librarians out there making great strides in promoting a new direction in information literacy, however, there are just as many taking a stand against change. If you are one of the reluctant ones, please make an effort to embrace, even if it is only in small, incremental steps, this change. Be part of the conversation, promote emerging technologies in your library, and embrace your librarian. Really. Give them a hug.

Rethinking the Library to Improve Information Literacy | Edutopia

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