quarta-feira, agosto 15, 2012

Parabéns, Saleha Hamdeen

Histórias curtas deram o prémio a esta menina, da comunidade beduína da Palestina, atualmente refugiada. Tem 14 anos.

Congratulations to Saleha Hamdeen/Salha Hamadin a Bedouin girl from Palestine for 
winning the Hans Christian Andersen Award in short fiction.

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

Dear Saleha
today I read about you and Hantoush. You are a very wonderful girl, Saleha. I only wish there could be many many girls like you in this world. I feel very bad about the guns and the soldiers and the mines. I very much hope your story can help to clear that minefield, because when many people read it hey will want to do that.

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